Disabled people

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Non-contributory Social Security benefit that is paid annually. It also entails the right to Social Security health care as a pensioner.


  • Be over 18 years old and under 65.
  • Reside legally in Spanish territory and have done so for 5 years, two of them immediately before applying for a pension.
  • Have a handicap or chronic illness to a degree equal to or greater than 65%
  • Lack of income and sufficient income according to the annual scale.


  • Application taxes.
  • Certificate of residence in which the minimum time required is accredited.
  • Certificate of coexistence in which the people who live in the address appear.
  • Certificate of pensions of the applicant and of the spouse and of the real estate owned.
  • Proof of income of the members of the family unit.
  • Proof of real estate.
  • Bank details for pension income.
  • Photocopy of the D.N.I.
  • Photocopy of the disability certificate.


At the Town Hall or at the Los Palacios Social Center, according to the days and times that appear in this guide.

This service attends to dependent people and their families and/or caregivers, supporting them and helping them to manage access to those services and benefits necessary to improve their quality and living conditions, promoting their personal autonomy and independence in the performance of their activities. daily life.

People who find themselves in a situation of dependency constitute one of the most vulnerable sectors of our society. These people need to have the necessary support and resources so that they can live in decent conditions and with a sufficient quality of life.

The Dependency Lawaims to respond to this situation, articulating and developing the various services and benefits to which dependent people are entitled to access according to their need.


People who are in a situation of dependency.

Problems addressed:

All those that define what is understood as dependency “State of a permanent nature in which people find themselves who, for reasons derived from age, illness or disability, and linked to the lack or loss of physical, mental, intellectual or sensory autonomy, require the attention of another or other people or important help to carry out basic activities of daily living or, in the case of people with intellectual disabilities or mental illness, other support for their personal autonomy”.

Service features:

• Economic benefits linked to the service

• Economic benefits for care in the family environment and support for non-professional caregivers

• Economic prestation for personal assistance

How to access:

To access the service, you mustmake an initial appointment with the dependency social worker. She will carry out the initial assessment, inform you and, if necessary, refer you to the dependency care service.

The following attention will already be carried out during service hours and with a scheduled appointment.

Recipients / Requirements

Residents of the Valencian Community who are in a situation of dependency:

  • Personas mayores dependientes
  • Moderately, severely or heavily dependent disabled.
  • Children under three years of age with dependency problems.
  • People with mental and intellectual disabilities and dependent mental illness.

People residing in the Valencian Community (you must prove at least five years of residence and at least the last two must be immediately prior to the application).
If they have a recognized disability and/or severe disability pension, they must submit a certified copy of the supporting documents for such situations.


  • Request according to official model.
  • Certified photocopy of the identity document (DNI, Family Book,…).
  • Health report.
  • Certificate or registration form.


Preferably, the application and required documentation will be submitted to the Department of Municipal Social Services/Dependency Care Service (SMAD).


A long the whole year.

 Managing body

Consellería Bienestar Social.

 Remarks / Additional information

Para conocer lmas detalladamente el procedimiento y características del trámite, procedimiento para el PIA,.. consultar en la página del Trámite PROP: http://www.gva.es/portal/page/portal/inicio/procedimientos?id_proc=3256

Document that accredits its holder to use the reserved car parks and enjoy the rights established by the municipalities for vehicles that transport people with reduced mobility.

It is personal and non-transferable and can only be used when its owner is the driver of the vehicle, or is transported in it. It must be placed on the dashboard in a place that is visible from outside the vehicle.


The person with reduced mobility must:

  • Be older than 3 years.
  • Be registered in the locality in which the card is requested.
  • Have disability recognition.
  • Have serious difficulties in their mobility that prevent them from using public transport.


  • Application form.
  • ID or identification document.
  • Photocopy of the disability certificate.
  • Directly related to reduced mobility issued by the Diagnosis and Orientation Center of the Ministry of Social Welfare.


In the town hall or in the Social Center of Los Palacios, according to the days and times that appear in this guide.

4.-Who depends:

Department of Social Services of the City Council of Formentera del Segura.