Clothing recycling

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human clothing container

Clothing recycling

Have you seen the green containers for clothing recycling?

In Formentera del Segura we have three, where to find them?

  • In Avda Vega Baja (next to Maxi DIA supermarket)
  • Avda Constitución, in the old Cooperative
  • C/ Concepción Mingot

HUMANA is a non-governmental organization for development (NGDO) that collaborates in the financing of cooperation projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America thanks to the resources obtained from the management of used clothing.

What does the Humana company do with YOUR CLOTHES?They send the clothes to one of the three recycling plants they have, and there they give them a different destination:

  • 1. Humana stores:All clothing in good condition, of quality and likely to be sold here, goes to the second-hand clothing stores of Humana Spain 12%
  • 2. Africa:We sell clothing in good condition to small merchants in Africa through their local counterparts to revive the local economy. 40%
  • 3. Recycling: All very worn, unusable and unclassifiable clothing is destined for recycling through specialized companies. 30%
  • 4. Landfills:Worn, unusable and unsortable clothing made from non-recyclable fabrics is sent directly to landfills. 18%
  • 5. The clothes that they do not have the capacity to recycle are sold directly to other recycling companies. With all this they obtain economic resources and thus obtain financing for development cooperation projects in Africa, South America and Asia. Some of their projects are:
  • Educational programs and job placement
  • Agriculture and rural development projects
  • Community development projects
  • Health projects and fight against contagious diseases.

Tel.:902 170 273