Grove of the river

Estás en: Inicio | Grove of the river

The channeling works carried out after the floods of 1989 in the Segura River have freed the old meanders (natural curves of the riverbed) now converted into Groves. These after the landscape restoration have remained as leisure and free time areas. Being conditioned with a large area of trees.

These Groves are located to the south of the municipality and on both banks of the Segura River, accessing them through the different service roads that run along the course of the river.

In one of them, where the Hydraulic Mill is located, the City Council of Formentera del Segura carried out a laborious restoration, which has given rise to what is today the scene of multiple events of relevance to the population.

Al Soto can be accessed by all those who wish, since its access is free. It is frequently used for outdoor meals due to its good facilities and proximity to the town centre.

soto rio segura

soto del rio

soto del rio

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