El Molino Natural Area

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Located in the El Molino neighborhood. On the left bank of the Segura. On the left bank of the Segura.

What can you find there?

An idyllic place to spend the day with the family. It has facilities adapted for children such as the playground. Table area among leafy trees, barbecues, scrubbers, restrooms… Once there you can also enjoy, and prior arranged visit, the 18th century Hydraulic Flour Mill, a jewel! For visits you can contact turismo@formenteradelsegura.es It has facilities adapted for children such as the playground.

Table area among leafy trees, barbecues, sink, bathroom service…

Once there you can also enjoy, and prior arranged visit, the 18th century Hydraulic Flour Mill, a jewel!

For visits you can contact turismo@formenteradelsegura.es

On 966792301 or at the City Hall offices from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The faithful and devotees can contemplate the hermitage erected in honor of the patron saint, San Roque.

The faithful and devotees can contemplate the hermitage erected in honor of the patron saint, San Roque.

How to access the Paraje?

Access is on foot through the walkway that connects the Paraje with the town center. You can park in the new area that has just been built. Access is suitable for people with reduced mobility. If your visit is on a weekend, the place is open. If, on the other hand, you want to come and meet him from Monday to Friday, you must request it in writing. You can park in the new area that has just been built.

Access is adapted for people with reduced mobility.

If your visit is on a weekend, the place is open.

If, on the other hand, you want to come here from Monday to Friday, you must request it in writing.


Paraje natural El Molino

El Molino

Paraje natural El Molino

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