Hydraulic flour mill

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The oldest references to the mill are found in the Oriolano de Montesinos Historical Compendium, written between the 18th and 19th centuries.

The existence of a mill in the town is known from the end of the 18th century.

It is possible that during the expansive stage of the first half of the 17th century, a nucleus was outlined whose dynamism would lead to the construction of a flour mill, taking advantage of the existence of the dam. It could have been built in the middle of the 17th century or during the following hundred years.

It is throughout the 19th and 20th centuries when we find mentions of it. As a result of the earthquake of 1829 and after cataloging all the damage, the reports of the towns are found, we quote here the one that refers to Formentera del Segura:

«according to the reconnaissance carried out by agreement of your Illustrious City Council in Formentera, the 2 new and old churches have been totally ruined; an oil mill; A barn; the Butcher House; the Bread Oven and the Flour Mill with his room, stables and other annexes, all owned by the Illustrious Lord Marquis of Algorfa, territorial owner of this place »

After the mill belonged to several families, it was in 1965 when the daughters of María Mingot Parres sold “a dilapidated flour mill” to Cayetano Gómez Hurtado, the last owner of the building until the recent expropriation carried out by the Segura Hydrographic Confederation.

Located in the area traditionally known as “El Pantano” in a wide meander of the Segura river. It is accessed through the footbridge that connects the town center with the Soto del Río.

It is part of a hydraulic complex made up of the weir and the waterwheel (from the neighboring municipality of Benijófar)

According to the general classification of the mills, the one in Formentera corresponds to a two-stone (river) water mill installed on land.

Being a mill whose only source of energy was provided by the current of the Segura, its operation was conditioned by the behavior of the river.

The working conditions were also given by the Segura, grinding at any time and normally more in winter than in summer.

The local mill whose radius of action would barely exceed the region.

It was a maquiladora mill, the miller could charge in cash or in kind.

Its last active years in the 1960s and 1970s were years of decline since little, some corn or barley, is ground for animal feed. The implantation of the flour factories will put an end to the traditional hydraulic mills.

Today the mill is in perfect condition after the rehabilitation that took place from the year 2000. Its inauguration was held on June 18, 2004, where the Hydraulic Machinery was put into operation to carry out the first grinding of this century, after almost fifty years of inactivity.


You can arrange your visits at the Town Hall of Formentera del Segura.

Now you can visit the Mill and spend an unforgettable day. In which we will try to get closer to what life was like before, to the type of work that was done…

As a souvenir of your visit you can take freshly ground flour and sieved BY YOURSELF!

Come and meet us.

You can arrange your visit at: the Town Hall offices,

on the phone in the 96 679 23 01

or by email:


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Video inauguration Soto del Río and Hydraulic Mill


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