Local police

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Local police

Local Police Formentera del Segura


PHONES:  966792699  //  656971578

FAX 966792143

E-MAIL: policialocal@formenteradelsegura.es


Los Palacios local police




PHONE 656971578

PHONE 965724515

  • Install a security door in your home. If your door is not armored, make sure that it has at least two closing points, and that there is no gap between the door and the floor. Reinforce the part of the hinges with steel pivots and metal angles that prevent prying.
  • Place a panoramic peephole on your door that allows you to see the caller’s entire body. If possible, install a device inside your home to turn on the stair landing light.
  • Put shutters on all your windows and balconies and secure them with an interior deadbolt.
  • Put bars on those windows that are easily accessible from the outside. If possible, do not leave a separation greater than 12 cm between the bars. Do not forget that balconies, eaves, wall projections, pipes, etc., can be climbed relatively easily by criminals. Pay more attention to windows or terraces near these points.
  • Keep in mind that more effective home security is achieved by installing electronic alarm devices. Check with a specialized establishment.
  • Pay attention to the door to the roof terrace and to the garage door, if your house communicates directly with the car park. Always keep them closed.
  • Give your windows an effective closure. If you can, use shatterproof insulating glass. In addition to being safe, it will soundproof your home.
  • Finally, remember that if you find the door forced or open when you arrive at your house, you should not enter. Report it to the Police for the fastest procedure. They will help you right away.
  • No abra la puerta a desconocidos; observe antes a través de su mirilla panorámica.
  • Ask, at all times, the personnel of the service companies (telephone, electricity, gas, water, etc.) to identify themselves.
  • Check the visit of these employees by calling the corresponding Company, but reject the phone number of the card that shows you as it could be that of an accomplice. If in doubt, keep the visitor out of the home, with the security chain on, while you verify the visit. You will avoid surprises.
  • Do not leave the door open or windows within easy reach, when you are in any other room of the house.
  • Try not to have a lot of money in your house, or jewelry, or valuables. If so, install a safe and deposit it there. They can also be deposited in bank safe deposit boxes.
  • Never keep the checkbook with documents that have your signature on them.
  • The delinquent will have greater difficulties in using it as he does not know your signature.
  • If you live outside the urban area, a suitably trained dog can be very useful against the action of thieves.
  • Do not activate the intercom if you do not know who is calling; you compromise your safety and the safety of all your neighbors. On the other hand, the installation of a video intercom would improve the security of the building.
  • Do not flaunt jewelry, wealth or belongings, this attracts thieves.
  • Make use of whatever security measures you have, even a simple deadbolt, even if you’re only going to be away for a few minutes.
  • In the event that a delinquent is found inside the home, you must act calmly and without putting your physical integrity or that of family members who may be in the property at risk. Under these premises, remember to request help as soon as you have the opportunity to do so.
  • Statistically, one of the periods with the highest rate of home burglaries is recorded during the summer holidays and Easter. Criminals don’t spend the summer; therefore, you must keep in mind:
  • Do not disclose your travel or vacation project.
  • Deposit your valuables in bank safe deposit boxes or in the custody of trusted people who do not have to be absent.
  • Close the doors, windows and balconies well, when you leave the home.
  • When you leave your home, avoid fully lowering the blinds.
  • Give instructions to a family member so that letters and newspapers do not accumulate in their mailbox. Also leave him a locator phone.
  • For long periods of absence, install an automatic timer that turns on lights, radio, television, etc., at short intervals. Consult the establishments of the branch.
  • Make an agreement with a trusted neighbor to watch over your home during the holidays.
  • Do not place the key under the doormat, or in places where strangers can reach it.
  • Never leave a note on the door indicating your absence from the address.
  • Carry only small amounts of cash. Use credit cards, gas checks, etc.
  • If you park on the street, try to leave your vehicle in a guarded parking lot or, at least, in a well-lit place.
  • When driving around town, keep the doors locked, including the trunk. It will avoid more than one scare.
  • Install a security or anti-theft device. You can make use of metal bars attached to the steering wheel from the pedals. Use safety chains.
  • If you want to improve the security of your car, put special locks on doors and trunk. Install an electronic alarm device that also interrupts the electrical current.
  • Do not pick up strangers on the road.
  • Every time you get out of your car, remove the ignition key, leave the steering wheel locked, and close the doors, windows, and trunk securely.
  • Try not to leave valuables inside your vehicle, or credit cards, or other important documents.
  • It is advisable to engrave the license plate number of your car on the window panes and on the windshield. There are car manufacturers that offer this service when delivering the car, and also, specialized houses that are dedicated to it.
  • It is important that the fuel tank is protected by a good lockable cap. This will not only prevent them from stealing your gasoline but also that, if they misuse your car, they will have to abandon it because they cannot refuel it.

If you are a witness and/or victim of any type of vandalism, whether due to damage, graffiti, etc., do not hesitate to inform the Police immediately, in order to identify the alleged perpetrators. Remember that any damage to urban furniture is a damage done against each of the residents of the population.

Don’t discuss business with strangers.

Never withdraw money from your bank at the request of strangers, even if they offer you, apparently, a great deal.

Do not forget that in most scams two or more criminals take part, perfectly coordinated, but pretending to be unaware of each other (the dumb and the smart).

In any kind of contract or commercial document offered to the firm, read the fine print and carefully observe everything related to the date, amounts, stamp and signature. In this type of case, the changes of the butane rubbers can be framed. When in doubt, be suspicious, and contact your authorized dealer.

Beware of some scams detected with phones called 806, through which it is believed that certain prizes have been won. It should be taken into account that the telephone numbers that begin with 806 are the equivalent of the now defunct 906, whose cost per minute of call can reach really high amounts. For this reason, in case of any doubt, it is preferable that the consultations that give rise to this be carried out through the Department of Consumer Affairs, the nearest Consumer Information Office or, failing that, in the Local Police itself, and as many more data is possible from the calling company, in order to carry out the appropriate inquiries.

There is a wide range of scams in which the victim, tempted by the greed of an easy profit, allows himself to be fooled naively by those who make deception their livelihood. We quote the most common:

  • The “tocomocho”, or scam by which the victim is made to believe that they can benefit from the collection of a winning lottery ticket.
  • The “stamp scam”, which consists of passing newspaper clippings for legal tender bills.
  • That of the “trileros”, carried out in traces and festivals, based on three cards, glasses or walnut shells, consisting of discovering where a letter is found or a ball is hidden.

Do not hitchhike or pick up strangers in your car.

Do not walk through vacant lots or lonely streets, especially at night, neither alone nor accompanied.

If you are forced to regularly travel through dark and lonely areas, try to change your itinerary.

Avoid staying at night in a vehicle parked in vacant lots, parks, outskirts, etc.

Before parking your vehicle, look around you, in case you perceive the presence of suspicious people.

Do the same when you get ready to use your car. Before entering, take a look inside. An intruder could be found crouching in the rear.

If you live alone, don’t put your first name in the mailbox, just your initial. Pay special attention to the recommendations made in the chapter dedicated to housing. Draw the curtains at dusk to avoid prying eyes. Have the lights on in two or more rooms to make it appear that there are two or more people in the home.

Avoid entering the elevator when it is occupied by a stranger, especially in apartment buildings.

In any case, stand as close as possible to the alarm button.

Faced with an attempted rape, try to flee and call for help. If you cannot escape, try to start a conversation with the alleged rapist in order to dissuade him and gain time while waiting for a circumstance that may favor the arrival of help or allow his escape. All this, while observing the physical features of his aggressor, as far as possible.

  • As far as possible, try not to walk through solitary or dimly lit places.
  • Drive in the opposite direction to the movement of vehicles, as far away as possible from the curb, placing your bag or purse towards the interior of the sidewalk, so that you can avoid “pulls”.
  • Carry only the necessary money and distribute it in your pockets. Avoid carrying money in the back pocket of your pants.
  • When you are about to use the services of ATMs, first look around you for suspicious people who could appropriate the money obtained at the slightest opportunity. If you have doubts about certain people, do not use the ATM at that time, or go to another nearby.
  • Pay special attention to the entrance or exit of public transport. Avoid crowds. If someone bumps into you check to see if they have taken your wallet.
  • When you go shopping, don’t get distracted. Observe the people close to you carefully and do not lose contact with your bag, especially in the traditional markets and/or establishments where there is a crowd of people.
  • If you feel followed while in your car, honk your horn constantly to get attention and go to a Police Center or crowded place.
  • Shouting, asking for help, can intimidate the assailant, as well as attract the attention of other people.
  • Observe the essential characteristics of your aggressor (age, height, hair color, features of his face, nationality, accent when speaking, clothing, direction of flight, vehicle used, etc).
  • The more accurate your information, the greater the chances of locating the criminal and recovering the stolen items.
  • If there are several aggressors, try to focus on one of them, the one that is closest to you or the one that stands out the most. This will serve to later discover the rest of the group.
  • After the crime has been committed, if possible, notify the Police and explain everything you remember.
  • While you wait for the Police to arrive, write down your observations. Do not comment on the event with others, as they could get mixed up with your own impressions. Do not place or touch anything until the arrival of the Police. You could unintentionally destroy evidence of the crime.

REMEMBER:whenever an illegal act occurs, no matter how slight, it must be formally reported, in order to establish the corresponding investigation, if applicable, and clarify the matter in order to determine the responsibilities that may arise. Do not forget that citizen collaboration is of vital importance for the clarification of the cases that are the subject of complaints, complaints, etc.


  • On Alert 3 days, any type of fire is prohibited, including the use of camping gas and paelleras in recreational areas or camping areas.
  • On western days, all burning work will be suspended, and if once these are started, wind appears, the operation will be immediately suspended and the fire will be extinguished.
  • Surveillance of the burning area will not be abandoned until the fire is completely extinguished and two hours have elapsed without embers being observed.
  • Prior to burning, the undergrowth and scrub must have been cleared of a strip of sufficient width and in no case less than two meters from where the burning is required.
  • The authorized person will take the measures he deems appropriate and, where appropriate, those indicated by the Environmental Agents, and will be responsible for any damage that may be caused.
  • The accumulation or storage of firewood, agricultural or forest residues, may not be carried out on rural roads or in a strip of ten meters wide to each of them.
  • All persons who notice the existence or initiation of an unauthorized burning must report the fact, by calling the Emergency telephone number 112, of the Generalitat Valenciana, or by the fastest possible means: City Hall, Local Police, Civil Guard…