Pidgeon Club San Miguel

Estás en: Inicio | Work areas | Sports | Pidgeon Club San Miguel


Location: La Purísima 7

03179 Formentera del Segura

The Pidgeon Club was founded in the 1960s. Today 27 people are part of it. Which are mostly men where the average age is around 60 years.

They can be part of both children and adults and people of both sexes.

For boys and girls the first year is free and from the second year they should only pay the license that does not depend on the club.

With this gratuity, what the club intends is to get closer to the youngest, since it is not a mass sport, and therefore difficult to reach the new generations.

Several county and inter-county tournaments have been played in the town. The next December 30 will be the presentation of the Regional Championship valid for the National.

Everything related to championships, raffles, loose scores, results, suggestions,… It is displayed on the BLACKBOARD, known by all members, this board is not located at the headquarters but at its “meeting point” Bar El Pantanico .

Board of Directors

  • José María Navarro –President
  • José Ramírez López — Vicepresident
  • Juan José Martínez Charcos — Secretary
  • Juan Cano — spokesman

To contact the club, you can contact a member of the Board of Directors

Addresses of interest where to get information about the world of pigeon farming: