Brotherhood of San Roque

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Hermitage of San Roque

The same members as the Brotherhood of the Rosary are part of this Brotherhood.

San Roque has a deeply rooted tradition in the population and the population of Formentera has great devotion to it. The Patron Saint Festivities of August are dedicated to him together with San Miguel.

The inhabitants of Formentera went on a pilgrimage to San Roque during the Christmas holidays, with this pilgrimage what was intended was to ask for the Christmas bonus, there were those who collaborated by giving money, others gave animals… all in order to help those most in need. They put the Saint in the houses and the people who transported him asked “do you sing or pray here?” They had a troubadour who sang to each of the inhabitants since he knew their names and nicknames.

Since 2003 this tradition has been recovered, there have been some changes in the pilgrimage, but the intention remains the same.

People no longer go from house to house but instead stop at many points in the town, and it is at these stops that they sing. The population continues to make its contributions. The pilgrimage usually lasts about 3 weeks, when the tour ends and before the Saint enters the Church a bid is made to see who introduces him, when this occurs he is accompanied at the moment of entering the Parish with a great turning of bells